October the 28th was the day we could finally get back together as a group and celebrate the garden and the end of the 'Old Town Blooming Jubilee' funded project. As well as displaying the beautiful things that were created during May and June, we also finally get to highlight the work that went into putting the final display together.

Our Bloomers
Hazlehurst Studios Artist Maria Tarn created some beautiful bloomers for the garden, which now have inspired a whole new display and great conversation piece! We haven't left the big bloomers on permanent display, as we will be using them on our upcoming 'Old Town Bloom on Tour' project, as they seem to attract a crowd!
Rachael Prime, as documented in the Old Town Blooming Jubilee blog, took inspiration from our big bloomers and created a way that people could interact with them - the wooden bloomers have been drawn and written on, then varnished and strung up by Rachael. Rachael then took all the words written on the wooden bloomers and machine stitched them into individual ribbons, creating a beautiful display in the garden. We hope that this display lasts a few months (hopefully longer).
Volunteers - although we only have a very small team of volunteers, they work exceptionally hard at keeping the garden looking wonderful. We can't do anything without them.
The Book Tree - Have you used our Little Free Library? We don't tend to fill it up much ourselves, as the lovely members of the public tend to do that. We occasionally clear out damaged books and earwigs, but luckily that isn't very often! We did take the opportunity to add in two lovely Queen related books at the time though.
Bugingham Palace - Did you know that we called our bug hotel 'Bugingham Palace' in honour of the Queen 'visiting' Runcorn on the day we finished putting it into the garden. We had hoped that she would pop by and officially open it for us, but alas she whizzed by and missed out on our Pimms! It is still a lovely memory though.
The new signage - Head over and read 'Working with Artists' to find out more about the beautiful work from Toni Louise Carter aka TLC Illustration - in the meantime enjoy these beautiful photographs on them.
You hopefully also notice the 'Old Town Bloom on Tour' sign too.

Thanks to Quayle Social aka Lauren Quayle for doing such a marvellous job at documenting the garden and our brilliant volunteers. This was made possible thanks to the funding from the The Platinum Jubilee Fund and allows us to document and share our marvellous project with everyone.
You can read our latest blog here ‘November Catch Up’ and also to go along with this post is ‘Working with Artists’ and ‘Old Town Blooming Jubilee’.
Our newest project is ‘Old Town Bloom on Tour’